
brwsr offers next-gen Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), but what makes it next-gen?

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Browser isolation in the cloud started by running a standard browser on a virtual machine and pushing the pixels to edge devices for rendering. This crude approach is effective but has two major drawbacks:

  • User experience is not great due to pixel compression and limited resolution, it is definitely not retina or 4K.
  • It is expensive to run at scale due to cost of virtual machines and real-time encoding of the screen video.

Brwsr takes a different approach:

  • Vector graphics is used to reproduce the exact same quality of the source without any compromise to user experience. Retina and 4K screens are both A-OK.
  • Instead of provisioning a virtual machine and running a browser process in it, brwsr sandboxes and containerizes the resources needed for running a single browser window/tab. Combined with the fact that real-time video encoding is not required, the CPU and bandwidth efficiency is unprecedented.
  • Brwsr does not run a standard browser in the cloud but rather a heavily modified version of Chromium enhanced with security, analytics and cloud management, making it more of an Enterprise Cloud Browser.

Want to learn more? Get in touch.

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